Ayurvedic Treatment For Leucoderma

Dr. Anita Kadam (Ayurved Expert)

Possessing expertise in the treatment of Leucoderma disease, Dr. Anita ideology prescribes a bar for anyone treating skin-related disorders through experience in modern Ayurveda. Her therapies include individualized treatment varying from patient to another.

Specialist concentrates her focus on best Vitiligo treatment only through her researched unique herbal formulations. Her reason-based root-cause removal theory based on ancient Ayurveda with modern research not only helps in coverage but also helps in spread control of white spots bringing it as latest treatment for vitiligo. Being an Autoimmune disorder Vitiligo requires proper treatment which can rectify the reason by immunity balancing. As a Vitiligo Specialty Clinic guides vitiligo patient regarding their diet and lifestyle for faster and effective treatment results.

Leucoderma is a rare condition. While the skin may appear discolored early, most of the significant changes in the skin become noticeable around the age of 10 to 30 years. Changes in skin color are apparent in people with darker skin complexions.

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If the doctor suspects that you have signs related to Leucoderma, he might ask for certain tests. Usually, the tests begin with diagnosing the determining your medical history. The physical examination includes evaluating the affected area or part for other skin related disorders, including psoriasis or dermatitis. Your healthcare might also use a special lamp for drawing the ultraviolet light into the skin for determining whether or not you have Leucoderma.

Other tests include a skin biopsy and blood test to know if you have Leucoderma. Based on the signs and causes, he may suggest the right treatment approach. Ayurveda is also very helpful in such situations and provides positive outcomes to the health.


Other autoimmune disorders like thyroid, type 1 diabetes, Addison’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, pernicious anemia, etc are quite common in people who are diagnosed with Leucoderma.


If you stay outdoor more and expose yourself to chemicals or the sun, Leucoderma will likely become worse. Keep stress at bay and be socially more active.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Leucoderma

In Ayurveda, Leucoderma is also called Shwetakushta or Switra or Kailasa and is classified into Kushta Rogas or skin diseases. As per Ayurveda, Leucoderma is triggered by the vitiation of all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) and aggravated Rakta, Mamsa, and Medhas Dhatus.

Herbs such as Aswagandha, Bakuchi, Apamarg, Guduchi, Tulsi, Haridra, Nimba and many other photosynthetic property herbs and herbal combinations are used for Vitiligo Treatment in Ayurveda. Balancing Vata, Pitta & Kapha is the main moto of treatment

According to Ayurveda, Shwetakushta is broadly classified into three types:

Daruna – When tri doshas or humor aggravate the Rakta Dhatu, patches appear to be red in color.

Aruna – When doshas aggravate the muscle tissue, skin patches may appear to be copper in color.

Kilasa – When doshas aggravate the Fat tissue or Medho Dhatu, the patches are more white.



Vitiligo Treatment & Results

These results are achieved in few months of treatment.

Still struggling with Leucoderma problem... Book an appointment now and get relieved naturally!